"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matt. 5:14
Women on the Hill Appreciation Breakfast
Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 8:00 am
The Mackinac Room, Anderson House Office Building,
124 S. Capitol Ave. Lansing, MI
This special event that She Leads Michigan is hosting will honor and pray for our
female State Legislators, past and present, and thank all of those who have
been so faithful to pray for our State over the years.
We will be having a Continental Breakfast at 8:00 am, Thursday, January 25, 2024,
followed by comments from our Christian Legislators and a time of prayer for them.
We also want to introduce the wonderful prayer warriors who will be with us.
We have the room until noon, so after breakfast you are invited to remain
for further prayer and fellowship.
We will also visit the offices of our Legislators who would like us to pray for them and their staff.
Many thanks, Liz Doyle Executive Director, She Leads Michigan
State Representative Nancy DeBoer
There is also a suggested donation of $15 for breakfast payable here.
Just a quick reminder of activities we would love you to participate in ….
Prayer Calls - we have had up to 40 on the Prayer Calls - we average about 30
All we do comes out of prayer.
You are invited to join us
EVERY Tuesday morning - 7:30am EST by calling in at 267-807-9605 ext.
278664# - She Leads Prayer coordinator, Sylvia Williams moderates our times together
Also have started a monthly She Leads America Prayer Call out of Nashville - 80 were on the first call.
Join the She Leads Michigan Facebook page for updates.
Looking ahead
1 Start Nominations of 2024 Honorees
25 -2nd Annual Women on the Hill “Appreciation Breakfast” - wanting to invite She Leads honorees and other intercessors to pray for our State Leaders in Mackinac Room. January 25
Breakfast and prayer 8-10am
She Leads Michigan Honorees Meeting 10-12noon
She Leads Advisory Board Meeting 12noon - 2:00pm
22-24 3rd Annual She Leads America Retreat, Maranatha
19 She Leads Michigan Afternoon Tea, Venue 3Two, Grand Rapids, MI. 12noon - 4pm.
Gala - Date and venue to be confirmed
We are completely funded by the donations of honorees and others who want to be an encouragement to Christian women who are in the frontlines of today’s culture wars over family and society, who believe it is time for Christian Women to rise up and have a voice for Biblical values. If you are looking for a place to give your end of year tax refundable gifts, please consider She Leads Michigan.
https://buy.stripe.com/28o7t40XJdrtgCYbIO (https://buy.stripe.com/28o7t40XJdrtgCYbIO)
OR send check to She Leads Michigan, 207 Maple St., Blissfield, MI 49228
Looking forward to seeing you!
Liz Doyle and the She Leads Michigan Advisory Team
She Leads Michigan facilitated 85 women in leadership representing 58 organizations from around Michigan with a heart for building a collaboration for “Life from the Womb to the Tomb and Beyond”, February 24th 2023 at Venue3two.com in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We were inspired by the stories of pro life advocates, Jessica Ann Tyson, and her twin
sister Monica Sparks, born into a challenging situation with a difficult early life before
adoption into a loving Christian family.
They are now business owners and elected officials in opposite political parties, who
offer a proposal of hope and unity.
Following the “brainstorming” session and feed back of the women attending, we continue to plan working together toward developing a more comprehensive message and mission for LIFE in Michigan.
Our next gathering for prayer and strategic planning is May 5 - 6 at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center, Norton Shores, MI. Contact us for more details.
January 11, 2023 at the Opening Day
Session for Michigan's 102nd Legislature.
She Leads Michigan MI State Representative Nancy DeBoer, MI State Representative Gina Johnsen and Representative Jamie Dawn Thompson started work representing their constituents.
Pray for them to have wisdom and be a voice for Biblical values.
A familiar face will represent the Holland area
in the 2023 Michigan State Legislature when Holland’s former mayor Nancy DeBoer takes over the newly drawn Michigan 86th House District.
DeBoer, a Republican, was elected to serve
the 86th District during the midterm election. The district includes the city of Holland, most
of Holland Township, and all of Park Township and Laketown Township.
We are excited to welcome She Leads America's new Director of State Development Kimberly Dirmann from Anaheim, California.
Kimberly served as the Director of Foursquare Women International from 2000-2005 with the primary focus of resourcing women in ministry leadership. During this time she also co-hosted a talk show on a Christian radio station.
Kimberly was appointed as the Southwest District Supervisor for the Foursquare denomination and served in this role from May of 2009 until May of 2016. She, along with her district staff, oversaw 180 churches in Arizona, parts of Southern California, Southern Nevada, and Southern Utah.
Currently Kimberly serves as co-pastor of The Rock in Anaheim, California, a church she and her husband Jerry opened in April, 2000.
She has been married to Jerry for 35 years.
They have two grown children, Alexandra
and Jonathan, and six grandchildren..
DETROIT, MI -- She Leads Michigan Advisory
Team member Cynthia Khan and her organization are creating jobs for women
who have made America their home.
"One group of women that we have here
they have never been to school, they
have never held a pencil in their hand...
another group are at a more intermediate
level and we are helping them communicate
and get into the workforce"
DETROIT, MI -- Fox Detroit "Let It Rip" hosted a heated debate, "What happens next after Roe vs Wade is overturned?". Watch the debate here.
The debate features two She Leads Michigan honorees, Erin Mersino, attorney for the Thomas More Law Center and Christen Pollo director of "Protect Life Michigan".
FLINT, MI -- Flint City Councilwoman Monica Galloway has been named president of the Michigan Municipal League, a nonprofit association of cities and villages across the state.
Galloway, who was first elected to the Flint City Council in 2013, was selected as MML president by the league’s 18-member Board of Trustees last week during the group’s annual convention in Grand Rapids. continue reading
Lansing, MI – The Michigan House has unveiled a bipartisan plan to improve the quality of health care while making it more accessible and affordable for people in Michigan. Speaker Jason Wentworth and Representatives Julie Calley, Abdullah Hammoud and Bronna Kahle… from Lenawee County… are spearheading the plan with three main goals... continue reading
Lansing, MI - We are excited to share that from March 15th, She Leads Michigan will join other legal, marketing, sales, and leadership experts on Expert Connexions every Monday morning, immediately following Good Morning America at 9 a.m. on WLAJ-TV in the greater Lansing area.
Holland, MI - Mayor Nancy DeBoer, City of Holland, Michigan (2015-2019) Law and Order - Strengthening The Rule of Law with America's Roundtable for the International Leaders Summit. Listen on Spotify
Blissfield, MI - CBN News interview at 17:10 about the She Leads Michigan-led Liberty Rally in Blissfield with Liz Doyle and former State Representative Nancy Jenkins Arno.
Adrian, MI - Punnett Recieves 2020 Norma Dell award. The recently retired executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee County was honored last week for working to alleviate homelessness. Lynne Punnett retired from Habitat after eight years that included the establishment of programs like Neighborhood Revitalization, the expansion of Habitat’s resell store and, of course, the construction of homes for those in need.
Adrian, MI- She Leads America
Young Christian Woman of Distinction, Riley Gaines pictured with Founder Liz Doyle after giving the 2024 commencement speech at Adrian College, Michigan
Her stirring message was "Daring to Speak Up - finding your voice and standing your ground”
She focused on being courageous, exercising your faith, and living in freedom.
What an example she is to us all as someone who speaks up for women across the world for their dignity, equal opportunities and God given rights!
Well, done, Riley!!
Female legislators and Intercessors
from across Michigan from the
UP to all points around the“mitt”
intersected at the heart of the decision
makers offices to pray together.
State Representative and assistant
Director of She Leads Michigan,
Nancy DeBoer, hosted a breakfast in the magnificent Mackinac room.
State Senator Lana Theis, along with
State Representatives, Gina Johnsen,
and Donni Steele encouraged us to
continue praying as they start
the next session.
Other representatives and past
legislators were also present, sharing
their prayer requests.
Everyone was moved as Holy Spirit
empowered us all to press on the
faith for God’s will to be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
GRAND RAPIDS, MI - She Leads Michigan facilitated 85 women in leadership representing 58 organizations from around Michigan with a heart for building a collaboration for “Life from the Womb to the Tomb and Beyond”, February 24th 2023 at Venue3two.com in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We were inspired by the stories of pro life advocates, Jessica Ann Tyson, and her twin
sister Monica Sparks, born into a challenging situation with a difficult early life before
adoption into a loving Christian family.
They are now business owners and elected officials in opposite political parties, who
offer a proposal of hope and unity.
Following the “brainstorming” session and feed back of the women attending, we continue to plan working together toward developing a more comprehensive message and mission for LIFE in Michigan.
Our next gathering for prayer and strategic planning is May 5 - 6 at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center, Norton Shores, MI. Contact us for more details.
January 11, 2023 at the Opening Day
Session for Michigan's 102nd Legislature.
She Leads Michigan MI State Representative Nancy DeBoer, MI State Representative Gina Johnsen and Representative Jamie Dawn Thompson started work representing their constituents.
Pray for them to have wisdom and be a voice for Biblical values.
She Leads Michigan 5th Annual Afternoon Tea 2023 Report
110 women gathered at the beautiful Maranatha Bible and Conference Center in Norton Shores, MI to witness 65 accomplished Christian women in the State of Michigan receive their Tributes from State Representative Nancy DeBoer.
This years recipients who represent
10 sectors of society were:
A familiar face will represent the Holland area
in the 2023 Michigan State Legislature when Holland’s former mayor Nancy DeBoer takes over the newly drawn Michigan 86th House District.
DeBoer, a Republican, was elected to serve
the 86th District during the midterm election. The district includes the city of Holland, most
of Holland Township, and all of Park Township and Laketown Township.
DETROIT, MI -- She Leads Michigan Advisory
Team member Cynthia Khan and her organization are creating jobs for women
who have made America their home.
"One group of women that we have here
they have never been to school, they
have never held a pencil in their hand...
another group are at a more intermediate
level and we are helping them communicate
and get into the workforce"
DETROIT, MI -- Fox Detroit "Let It Rip" hosted a heated debate, "What happens next after Roe vs Wade is overturned?". Watch the debate here.
The debate features two She Leads Michigan honorees, Erin Mersino, attorney for the Thomas More Law Center and Christen Pollo director of "Protect Life Michigan".
FLINT, MI -- Flint City Councilwoman Monica Galloway has been named president of the Michigan Municipal League, a nonprofit association of cities and villages across the state.
Galloway, who was first elected to the Flint City Council in 2013, was selected as MML president by the league’s 18-member Board of Trustees last week during the group’s annual convention in Grand Rapids. continue reading
Lansing, MI – The Michigan House has unveiled a bipartisan plan to improve the quality of health care while making it more accessible and affordable for people in Michigan. Speaker Jason Wentworth and Representatives Julie Calley, Abdullah Hammoud and Bronna Kahle… from Lenawee County… are spearheading the plan with three main goals... continue reading
Lansing, MI - We are excited to share that from March 15th, She Leads Michigan will join other legal, marketing, sales, and leadership experts on Expert Connexions every Monday morning, immediately following Good Morning America at 9 a.m. on WLAJ-TV in the greater Lansing area.
Blissfield, MI - CBN News interview at 17:10 about the She Leads Michigan-led Liberty Rally in Blissfield with Liz Doyle and former State Representative Nancy Jenkins Arno.